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Download Hekasoft Backup & Restore

Fast and efficient tool that backs up and restores profiles to browsers and other types of programs, enabling users to add new software products to its list.

Download Hekasoft Backup & Restore 0.96 for Windows

Download the latest version of Hekasoft Backup & Restore for Windows. Make back-up copies of your browsers' folders. Hekasoft Backup and Restore is a tool.


Hekasoft Backup & Restore. The perfect solution to backup, migrate and optimize your favorite browser data. Learn More ...

Hekasoft Backup & Restore 0.96

Hekasoft Backup & Restore is an all-in-one solution to manage your browser data and settings. Backup your favorite browser's settings in a single file that you ...

Hekasoft Backup & Restore for Windows

Hekasoft Backup and Restore is a tool designed to make back-up copies of the folders of the most popular browsers so that you can restore the app with just ...

Hekasoft Backup & Restore 瀏覽器設定備份工具

安裝Hekasoft Backup & Restore 後開啟軟體,第一次執行時會出現選擇語言的選項,目前並沒有提供中文語系,所以就選擇English 吧!

Hekasoft Backup and Restore download latest version

Hekasoft Backup & Restore is a web browser backup and management tool. It's built to work on every edition of Windows from Vista to 10 in both 32 and 64 bit.

Hekasoft Backup Restore

hekasoft-backup-restore. Hekasoft Backup and Restore is a free tool to backup and restores your browser settings. It allows you to migrate your profile from ...

輕鬆備份你的眾多瀏覽器– Hekasoft Backup & Restore

義文軟體,可使用英文語系。 軟體的操作也相當直覺,第一步選擇你要備份/恢復的軟體,第二步選擇你要備份還是恢復的動作就OK了! 最新的0.9版不只支援圖示上這些.